IFES [International Foundation for Electoral System], adalah SMS Provider berpusat di Washington, rekanan KPU untuk tabulasi elektronik dengan teknologi pesan pendek (SMS). Kenapa harus Washington jika di dalam negeri buanyak perusahaan SMS/Content provider? Terkait Skenario pemenangan pemilu versi Poros Washington?
- IFES top brass belong to conservative Republican ranks, the CIA or military intelligence.
- Lembaga ini dituding berada di balik "Kudeta Elektoral" di Haiti tahun 2000. (Seorang staf lembaga ini pernah kena status persona non grata di Haiti.)
- Lembaga ini bagian dari organisasi berbasis Amerika yang lahir dengan tujuan "privatisasi, monopoli dan politisasi proses perhitungan suara ... di seluruh dunia"
- Pendanaan lembaga ini, menurut beberapa laporan, utamanya dari USAID "that has historic connections to the CIA".
Di bawah nanti saya sertakan link tentang IFES dan pemilu Haiti. Yang lumayan terstruktur infonya, menurutku, link no. 4; laporan Lynn Landes, a Philadelphia- based writer, researcher, and activist in the fields of politics, health, and the environment.
Bagi teman2 yang tertarik menggali soal "kerjasama" KPU dan IFES ini, mari berbagi informasi via milis ini. Info apa saja: link internet, dokumen, foto2 .... Siapa tahu kita bisa saling melengkapi. Syukur2 kalau nanti bisa lahir laporan sekelas liputan berseri ANTEVE soal NAMRU, "laboratorium" serdadu Amerika di Jakarta itu.
1. http://www.haitiact HP/4_5_0. html The Assassination of Jean Dominique: Is it part of Washington's offensive?
Ini artikel tentang pembunuhan Jean Dominique, jurnalis radio di Haiti yang dikenal vokal menentang campur tangan Amerika dalam pemilu Haiti tahun 2000. Kutipan: "Like the Herald editorial, the article never mentions the lack of electoral cards, nor the fact that the shortage can be traced back to the U.S. State Department (which funded the cards), the U.S. State Department-spawned International Foundation for Electoral Systems or IFES (which chose the contractor), and the Canadian firm, Code, Inc (which produced the card materials). In short, the Haitian government was (to its shame) not even involved."
2. http://www.globalpo component/ content/article/ 176/32084. html Democratisation, NGOs and "Colour Revolutions"
KUTIPAN: "The watershed that brought Ingos to the forefront of global democracy-promotion was the Reagan administration' s decision to create the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in 1983 to roll back Soviet influence. With a stated raison d'etre of "strengthening democratic institutions around the world through nongovernmental efforts", NED was conceived as a quasi-governmental foundation that funnelled US government funding through Ingos like the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the International Republican Institute (IRI), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), and Freedom House."
"A survey of NED's partner Ingos reveals a similar pattern of public priorities forwarded by private agents. Freedom House, a neocon hub which succoured the colour revolutions, has a history of being headed and staffed by ex-CIA high-level planners and personnel. NDI is dominated by "liberal hawks" or right-wing Democrats who find their way to prime foreign-policy slots when their party is in power. IRI comprises a herd of far-right Republican politicians and representatives of major financial, oil, and defence corporations. IFES top brass belong to conservative Republican ranks, the CIA or military intelligence. IREX, the training school for colour revolution elite protagonists, is peopled by political warfare, public diplomacy and propaganda specialists from the news media, US foreign service and the US military."
Haiti's Slide to the Abyss Halted just before the Plunge?
KUTIPAN: "In another disturbing development, Haitian authorities on May 8 declared an official from the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), a heavily funded conservative U.S. organization, persona non grata after discovering a report she submitted to her superiors in Washington, which accused Préval, Aristide and the CEP of collusion.
privatizing, monopolizing, & politicizing the voting process... around the world
Here are several organizations that are promoting electronic voting around the world. Many of these organizations appear to have strong ties to the Republican Party and the intelligence community (CIA, NSA, etc.)
- Ace Project - "Three leading international organizations that provide electoral assistance have worked together to produce the ACE Electronic Publication. The project partners are the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - http://www.aceproje english/pi/ pid04.htm
- IFES - The International Foundation for Election Systems http://www.ifes. org Since 1987, IFES has supplied world governments with election observation and analysis and has developed into one of the world's leading centers of election information and resources. Comment: It appears that the organization was founded and is currently chaired by right wing members of the Republican Party (GOP), although they also have directors that come from the Democratic party. IFES funding comes from USAID that has historic connections to the CIA, according to reports (see red section below)
Current FUNDING FOR IFES - 80% from U.S. gov't sources including USAID http://www.usaid. gov/about_ usaid/ USAID's history goes back to the Marshall Plan reconstruction of Europe after World War Two and the Truman Administration' s Point Four Program. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into law and created by executive order USAID.Since that time, USAID has been the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms. Is IFES a business or advocacy organization? Finally, under the leadership of our Strategic Business Development division, we are com-mitted to broadening our valued partnerships with USAID, DFID, SIDA, FINNIDA, the UNDP and other funders.With our new strategic plan in place,IFES will offer more products with the same independent, responsive, research- based project development on which our partners have come to rely. http://www.ifes. org//biennial_ low_PRINT. pdf t appears that IFES awards contracts - Controversy about the voter identification cards has continued. In early August, the U.S. based International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) took bids for which company would print the cards. In a move that angered many in Haiti, IFES gave the job to Code Canada. A consortium of Haitian businesses had also made a bid, and saw this as evidence of the conditional nature of foreign aid to Haiti's democratic process. Perhaps it would make more sense for an agency training the officials of Haiti's electoral system to award the job to a Haitian consortium, so that they could learn the process for future elections. http://quixote. org/haiti/ archives/ H31_conditions. html
IFES / USAID / NED / CIA connections ? ? http://www.hanitzot 58/pangos. htm CIA & USAID / Palestine-Isreali conflict http://www.freedomd cia/mcgehee02. html CIA & USAID / Laos late 1960's http://www.thirdwor ldtraveler. com/CIA/National %20EndowmentDemo .html NED & CIA http://www.wmd. org/information. html NED and World Movement for Democracy
IFES founder, the late F.Clifton White ... is a longtime rightwing Republican strategist. In the 1950's he and William Rusher, publisher of the National Review, helped to turn the Young Republican National Federation, the GOP youth arm, from a moderate to a very conservative group. (18) White played an important role in the preconvention campaign of Barry Goldwater in 1964. (23) White was or is a member of The Conservative Network, a small group founded in 1985 by Reagan administration presidential appointees to bring the administration' s conservative political philosophy into the private sector. (17) White is on the board of the National Republic Institute for International Affairs, the Republican Party's conduit for NED funding. (2) He is on the board of the Center for Democracy, a conservative group "working to promote and strengthen the democratic process. "(2) The Center for Democracy is heavily funded by NED.
http://www.namebase .org/gw/ifes. txt (dated) Excerpts - "It appears that the bulk of IFES funding comes from NED (National Endowment for Democracy) - see current funding below.(26) NED is a quasi- governmental organization conceived by the Reagan administration and funded by Congress to "promote democracy" overseas.(27)
NED's funding comes from the U.S. government, primarily from the U.S. Information Agency and the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID).(2) The current focus of IFES work is in Nicaragua with Via Civica. ViaCivica, a grassroots electoral organization working on voter education and registration. It receives additional NED funding through the Costa Rican political/electoral training firm Counseling Center for Democracy (CAD). CAD receives NED funding for its work with Via Civica through the America's Development Foundation, another conservative "democracy building" organization. (27)
According to Henry Quintero, who was hired by IFES specifically for the Nicaraguan project, IFES assists in Via Civica's electoral training and education work and provides them with materials such as flyers, bumper stickers, and the like.(28) Via Civica, through the CAD project SISTEMAS, provides a wide range of educational and election work, including election analyses and demographics, opinion polls, surveys, electoral training workshops, an election "hot line," and poll watching.(6) Via Civica claims to be nonpartisan but is closely associated with the Nicaraguan National Opposition Union (UNO), the U.S. backed coalition opposing the Sandinista government.( 2)
In a recent interview, Henry Quintero said that in addition to Nicaragua, IFES has election projects in Hungary, Namibia, India, USSR, and Paraguay.(28) F. Clifton White worked with CIA director William Casey on the Reagan administration' s pro-contra propaganda network.(2) According to a November 1986 memo from Walter Raymond to National Security Adviser John Poindexter, White was to be in charge of the formation of a group modeled after the bipartisan cold war champion, Committee on the Present Danger, but focusing on Central America.(2) White and Richard Scammon of IFES lunched with the Soviet Central Election Commission to the U.S. during their November 1989 visit.(10)"
Tom Griffin is an ex-Justice Department officer and lawyer, who has recently been doing human rights investigations in Haiti. ..... Griffin implicates a group called IFES in the coup- the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. IFES may be a CIA run front organization, tasked with fomenting the coup against Aristide. IFES could also be a sort of privatized CIA front:
Membahas "electoral coup d'Ètat" di Haiti. "...there are two governments: the official government and the invisible one (the Pentagon and CIA), which is often referred to in Haiti as the "Laboratory. "...
Manuel Pellegrini Bertarung di Semua Ajang
Tidak takut akan tantangan. Itulah yang dirasakan Manuel Pellegrini (55) setelah ditunjuk menanganiraksasa putih, Real Madrid. Memainkan sepak bola indah dan merakit proyek jangka panjang menjadi target mantan pelatih Villarreal ini.
Manuel Pellegrini, akan membangun tim yang bermain indah dan melaju di semua ajang. (Foto: AFP)
Walaupun direkrut berdasarkan hasil baik The Yellow Submarines di Liga Champion, yang konsisten menembus fase grup, dan keinginan Los Blancos menjadi dominator Eropa, Pellegrini berjanji akan memberi hasil maksimal di semua kompetisi. Berikut petikan wawancara pelatih yang mengoleksi enam titel di Liga Argentina, Cili, dan Ekuadorinidari situs resmi Madrid.
Bagaimana cara menyikapi harapan besar yang disematkan kepada Anda?
Ini adalah tantangan besar. Namun, saya telah melatih tim-tim penting di beberapa negara, jadi saya mempunyai pengalaman mengatasi ujian ini.
Tidakkah perbedaan melatih di Madrid dan Villarreal menakutkan?
Saya pernah merasakan banyak tekanan selama melatih di Ekuador dan Argentina, tapi hal itu justru memotivasi ketimbang mengkhawatirkan saya. Yang pentingkami bermain sempurna dan menorehkan hasil.
Anda secara konsisten meraih stabilitas sepanjang karier. Akankah hal tersebut dapat dicapai di Los Blancos?
Tentu. Saya yakin itu. Saya mempunyai keyakinan besar akan kemampuan tim. Kita akan lihat bagaimana skuad menghadapi masalah. Persoalan yang kami temui akan memotivasi saya.
Bagaimana cara menggabungkan kebutuhan klub untuk memenang i gelar secepat mungkin dengan mempertahankan proyek jangka panjang?
Klub-klub besar selalu ditunggu untuk menang setiap pekan. Seseorang yang mempunyai proyek jangka panjang dan menjaga agar target itu terealisasi akan mencetak hasil terbaik.
Tim Madrid seperti apa yang Anda lihat musim laludan apa yang ingin di ubah?
Saya melihat Madrid bermain bak juara dan mengumpulkan hasil-hasil baik tanpa memenangi liga. Buat saya, tantangannya adalah bermain sepak bola indah dan merebut hasil akhir.
Apakah Anda sadar pentingnyafanmelihat tim mereka kembali ke jajaran elite Eropa setelah lima tahun berurut ankalah di babak 16 besar LC?
Saya tahu hubungan istimewa klub dengan Liga Champion. Namun, kita tidak boleh melupakan La Liga atau Piala Raja. Kami ingin membangun tim yang kompetitif dalam semua ajang. Saya mengerti rasa frustrasi fan,tapi kami tidak boleh melupakan kompetisi lain.
Banyak yang telah dikatakan mengenai musim-musim baik s eorang pelatih. Namun, apa efek dari saat-saat buruk yang Anda alami? Apakah bangga dianggap sebagai pelatih terbaik Cili saat ini?
Saya tidak berhak menilai diri sendiri. Semua yang telah saya pelajari sepanjang karier sangat membantu. Rasa frustrasi, pengalaman melatih di berbagai negara, semuanya. Anda memerlukan semua itu untuk bergabung dengan Madrid. Saya memperoleh hak ini setelahbe kerja keras bertahun-tahun dan akan terus belajar. (Firzie A. Idris)
Pelatih-Pelatih di Era Perez Terganggu Kesabaran dan Intervensi
Tiga tahun meninggalkan Real Madrid ternyata tak membuat Florentino Perez berubah. Pria yang pada 1 Juni resmi menjadiPresiden Real Madrid untuk ketiga kalinya ini, setelah memenangi pilpres pada 2000 dan kembali dipercaya pada 2004, teguh pada niat mendatangkan bintang-bintang besar ke Santiago Bernabeu.
Gebrakan awal dilakukan dengan pendekatan intensif terhadap Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite alias Kaka. Bintang AC Milan ini disebut hampir pasti bergabung dengan Los Blancos. Nama-nama tenar lain, seperti David Silva (Valencia) dan Xabi Alonso (Liverpool), juga terus didekat i .
Saat komitmen untuk membentuk Los Galacticos II tak perlu diragukan, pertanyaan yang tersisa tinggal satu. Sebaik apa Perez menjauhkan diri dari intervensi ke pelatih dan sikap tak sabaran?
Kedua sikap itu yang membuat tim bintang edisi pertama gagal memenuhi ekspektasi. Lihat saja ketika pada akhir musim 2002/03ia memecat Vicente Del Bosque ,yang baru saja membawa Madrid memenangi La Liga untuk ke-29 kalinya.
Perez menilaiDel Bosque, yang saat itu sudah meraih respek dari pemain, adalah ancaman bagi kekuasaan di tahta Madrid. Dukungan sang pelatih saat Claude Makelele meminta kenaikan gaji akhirnya dianggap sudah melewati batas. Del Bosque pun dilepas.
AjaibnyaPerez mendatangkan Carlos Queiroz sebagai pengganti. Tanpa wibawa dan reputasi yang cukup, kecuali menjadi asisten Sir Alex Ferguson di Man. United, pria Portugal ini hanya membawa Madrid memenangi Piala Super Spanyol di awal periode kepelatihannya. Tak mampu mengendalikan ego pemain bintang, Quieroz hanya bertahan sepuluh bulan sebelum digantikan Jose Antonio Camacho.
Sedikit fast forward hinggaWanderlei Luxemburgo ditunjuk sebagai pelatih pada akhir 2004. Pelatih karismatik ini berhasil menyatukan kembali puing-puing kesatuan tim. Sayangnyaperforma Madrid gagal mencapai puncak akibat cedera yang menghantam sejumlah pilar.
Tuntutan untuk mengakhiri nirgelar Madrid sejak era Quieroz membuat Perez tak sabar. Juan Ramon Lopez Caro ditunjuk sebagai entrenador baru. HasilnyaPerez tak pernah lagi menikmati gelar juara hingga mengundurkan diri pada Februari 2006. Bagaimana kali ini? (drew)
MANAJER MADRID ERAFLORENTINO PEREZ ------------------------------------------------ Vicente Del Bosque (November 1999 -Juni 2003) Carlos Queiroz (Juni 2003-Mei 2004) Jose Antonio Camacho (Mei 2004-September 2004) Mariano Garcia Remon (September 2004-Desember 2004) Wanderlei Luxemburgo (Desember 2004-Desember 2005) Juan Ramon Lopez Caro (Desember 2005-Mei 2006)
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