Selasa, 02 Juni 2009


Have you ever wondered why so many people are
getting cancer today? Maybe the answer lies in the
things that we consume. Here is some food for thought that may be of interest to you.

A survey was conducted approximately ten years ago that said that one out of every three people in North America would develop cancer at some point in their life.

That same survey was again undertaken just recently and it now tells us that ONE out of ONE people will develop cancer at some point in their life.

What has happened to cause such a tremendous
increase in the rate of cancer in our society? What has happened to cause so many of our younger generation to develop this disease?

I believe the answer lies in the quality of the nutrition that we consume. We have raised a generation of "junk food" addicts, and this is a large part of our problem.

A 1999 statistic published by the American Cancer
Society states this; "Scientific evidence suggests that up to one-third of the 563,100 cancer deaths expected to have occurred in 1999 were caused by nutrition, and could have been prevented".

The American Cancer Society is telling us that up to one-third of cancer deaths are caused by nutrition, but I believe the number is much higher.

Just what is the cause of cancer? The cause of cancer is not bacteria, the cause of cancer is not a virus, and the cause of cancer is not a fungus. Cancer is a metabolic disease. This means that it is caused by the inability of your body to properly utilize the nutrition that it receives.

All the cells in your body require two things in order
for them to remain healthy. One of these is electrical stimulation, and the other is a high quality of nutrition.

Think of it this way. High quality food "burns" a lot
cleaner than low quality food, and because of this, high quality food will leave very little residue behind. Also, high quality food is able to provide a higher level of nutrition to the cells of your body.

If the cells of your body do not receive the level of
nutrition that they require, they cannot remain healthy, and here is why.

Your body will always attempt to absorb the highest quality nutrition it can from the food that you give it, but if high quality nutrition is not available, your body will attempt to absorb the highest quality nutrition it can find.

If what you consume is not compatible with your body's matrix, and cannot be used to nourish you, it will in effect be toxic to you.

Disease cannot develop or grow on healthy tissue, it can only develop on unhealthy tissue. If you weaken your body by not supplying it with proper nutrition, it will not be able to fight off disease, and cancer, among other things, will likely develop.

In order for the tissues of your body to remain strong and healthy you must supply them with a level of nutrition that they can use.

What is a high level of nutrition? It is nutrition that is "electrically compatible" with the matrix of your body. What does that mean?

There are certain items in our world that are designed as food for us, and certain items that are not. The things that are designed as food for us will have the proper molecular configuration to make them compatible with our physical matrix.

If we consume those things that are "electrically
compatible" with our physical matrix they will nourish us, but if we consume those things that are not electrically compatible with our physical matrix they will not nourish us, they will in fact be toxic to us.

Do you eat healthy? You may think you eat healthy, but if you consume those things that your body does not recognize as nutrition and cannot use, then all you are consuming is "filler", and filler is something that your body cannot properly utilize.

What is the underlying cause of cancer? The underlying cause of cancer is the inability of your body to properly utilize the nutrition that it receives.

Cancer cannot develop or grow on healthy tissue, so the only way that you can prevent cancer from developing within you is to keep your body free of toxins, consume only those things that your body can use, and be as healthy as you can be.

Make sure that you keep your tissues supplied with
quality nutrition and you will not have to worry about this dreadful disease.


Keeping your trading software secure

If you plan on using desktop applications for your trading, you’ll probably want to have a dedicated computer (not on a network) to serve your trading needs. A few things to help you keep your account information secure:

• Password protect any software or documents relating to your Forex trading system.

• Make regular backups of your trading information – past trades, current trades, and items that you are watching.

• Add protective software. It’s not enough to just use an anti-virus software program anymore. Don’t use the free versions – you often get what you pay for. You should have a firewall program (not just the Windows version) as well as a professional spy ware scanner. Make sure you schedule your scans to happen once a day – preferably, when you are NOT running your Forex software.

• Update your trading software, operating system, and other programs regularly.

Choosing the right Forex system solution is not just about the type of Forex software. It is also important to examine capabilities and learn more about the charts and other technical indicators available. Luckily, there are plenty of resources to help you make the right choice. Your software is directly related to your broker, so make sure that you read up on how to find the right broker for your needs as well. Welcome to the world of Forex trading


Desktop or Web-based?

Forex trading systems are available either online, as an application service, or via your desktop. No matter which platform you select, it is important to have a reliable and secure internet connection. A cable modem or broadband ISP is an ideal connection for trading.

Web based Forex software is the most secure type of software. Information stored in a desktop application can be penetrated by malicious software, viruses, and other unwanted intruders.

If you plan on desktop trading, it is important to have a firewall in place with constantly updated virus protection. You don’t want hackers somehow getting access to your account! You should also back up your hard drive regularly so you don’t accidentally lose information if your computer crashes


What to look for in your automated Forex trading solution:

• Does the automation allow you to trade multiple strategies?
• Is it easy to install and set up?
• Does the provider have online and live telephone support?
• Can it utilize multiple strategies in different time frames?
• Does it automatically place your orders early in the exchange queue?
• Can it trade multiple accounts?

An automated trading solution can help eliminate stress and avoid stalled decision making by processing all complex factors and differentials with quick and logical precision. Before selecting a provider, it is still important to test the system out on your own. Ask your broker for a demo of the software and take time to tweak the settings to make sure it makes decisions according to your strategy.

The right features and options in your automated Forex trading software can allow you to customize your trading experience – even while you’re away from the computer

Kaka Tinggalkan Milan Musim Panas Ini

Milan - Masa depan Kaka di AC Milan masih terus dispekulasikan. Si pemain sendiri menegaskan memang akan meninggalkan Milan musim panas ini.

Nama Kaka seperti tak pernah lepas dari ketertarikan klub-klub lain. Salah satunya adalah raksasa Spanyol Real Madrid.

Pekan lalu Kaka dikabarkan sudah memberi jawaban menggantung ketika ditanyakan tentang masa depannya. Dia konon tidak menutup kemungkinan berganti klub.

"Saya tidak bilang apakah saya akan tetap di sini atau pergi. Saya cuma bilang tak mau membicarakan bursa transfer lagi," tegas Kaka di Channel 4, Senin (1/6/2009).

Apapun, dengan terpilihnya Florentino Perez menjadi presiden El Real, Kaka jadi berita hangat. Sudah bukan rahasia kalau Perez acap merekrut pemain bintang dunia.

Kaka sendiri kabarnya jadi incaran utama Perez. Saking istimewanya Kaka, Perez konon bahkan sudah menyiapkan kostum nomor 5 Real Madrid, yang pernah dipakai Zinedine Zidane, untuk si pemain Brasil.

Maka dari itu, pers Italia yang penasaran pun kembali menanyakan apakah dia akan meninggalkan Milan. Jawaban Kaka? "Kenapa tidak, saya memang akan Brasil."

Tentu saja yang dimaksudkan Kaka adalah dia akan pergi meninggalkan Milan ke tanah kelahirannya, Brasil, untuk mengisi liburan musim panas ini saja.


Liga Champions
Soal Hukuman, Drogba Pasrah

London - Liga Champions tuntas, Didier Drogba masih menanti hukuman pasca insiden dalam laga Chelsea kontra Barcelona di babak semifinal leg kedua. Si penyerang itu kini berpasrah diri.

Insiden yang melibatkan Drogba itu terjadi usai Chelsea disingkirkan Barca dari Liga Champions, medio awal Mei lalu. Usai pertandingan, Drogba memprotes keras wasit Tom Henning Ovrebo yang memimpin pertandingan.

Drogba yang sebenarnya sudah ditarik keluar di tengah-tengah babak kedua langsung menghampiri Ovrebo dan mengeluarkan kata-kata keras. Dia juga menyumpahi wasit berkali-kali ke arah kamera televisi.

Atas tindakannya itu, penyerang Chelsea asal Pantai Gading tersebut diancam hukuman enam laga. Keputusan itu sendiri masih belum dikeluarkan UEFA dan Drogba pun kini hanya bisa pasrah dan menyesali tindakan.

"Tidak mudah tapi saya pikir apapun yang saya perbuat dan keputusan yang mereka ambil, saya akan menerimanya karena sikap saya bukanlah apa yang ingin dilihat oleh UEFA dan semua orang di stadion sepakbola."

"Saya akan menjalani hukuman, dan setelah itu bakal kembali dan jadi lebih tangguh," seru Drogba di Soccernet.

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