Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Mengerti dan dimengerti lebih dahulu sebelum berbicara

Prinsip dasar dari komunikasi empati adalah :

Mengerti dan dimengerti lebih dahulu sebelum berbicara

Seorang atasan yang empati, akan berusaha mengerti bawahannya terlebih dahulu di dalam mengevaluasi bawahannya tersebut. Seorang dokter harus

mengerti penyakit pasiennya sebelum memberikan resep.

Sebaliknya seorang atasan akan mengutarakan maksudnya dengan bahasa yang dapat dimengerti oleh pihak lain.

Dengan komunikasi win-win, orang akan merasa dihargai, membuat orang lain dengan senang hati mengeluarkan isi hatinya, memberi informasi yang berguna,

dan tentu saja akhirnya kita dapat memperoleh pemecahan masalah yang baik.

Dengan komunikasi win-win, kita juga akan semakin menghargai orang lain, karena kita dapat mulai mengerti persepsi orang lain, kita dapat mengerti perasaan

orang lain sesuai dengan keberadaan mereka.

Orang yang berkomunikasi win-win akan memuaskan kedua belah pihak atau lebih yang terlibat dalam konflik. Dengan komunikasi win-win mereka akan

menciptakan komunikasi dan interaksi pada semua pihak dengan memberikan rasa aman dan jauh dari ancaman. Mereka menciptakan suasana saling percaya,

saling menghargai dan saling memperoleh kesempatan untuk dapat mengembangkan potensi mereka.

Pendekatan dengan komunikasi win-win ini biasanya akan jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan strategi-strategi yang lainnya. Karena strategi ini lebih

menonjolkan aspek yang positif dan berusaha untuk menhindari aspek yang negatif.

Tidak semua komunikasi dapat berakhir dengan win-win. Kondisi win-win akan tercapai bila ada suatu celah atau alternatif penyelesaian yang dapat

memuaskan semua belah pihak. Strategi win-win berusaha mencari celah atau alternatif tersebut.

Strategi win-win, merupakan salah satu dari 4 kemungkinan dari hasil dalam interaks. Kemungkinan- kemungkinan tersebut adalah:

• Win-win atau menang-menang

• Win-lost atau menag-kalah

• Lost-win atau kalah-menang

• Lost-lost atau kalah-kalah

Tanda-tanda hasil dari komunikasi win-win adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Kedua belah pihak merasa bahwa proses negoisasi menggunakan cara yang efisien.

2. Kedua belah pihak merasa puas, walaupun sebenarnya mereka menginginkan mendapat lebih baik. Mereka merasa bahwa tujuan mayoritas terpenuhi.

3. Kedua belah pihak tidak merasa tersinggung kehormatannya.

4. Keduanya tidak merasa keberatan untuk melakukan transaksi yang sama apabila diperlukan.

Paradigma untuk bernegosiasi, dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan dan kedewasaan. Semakin tinggi kemampuan dan kedewasaan seseorang, maka dia akan mampu

untuk menerapkan strategi win-win.

Orang yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi, namun memiliki kedewasaan yang rendah cenderung untuk menang sendiri.

Orang yang memiliki kemampuan rendah akan cenderung kalah, walaupun dia memiliki kedewasaan yang memadai.

Dan orang yang memiliki kemampuan dan kedewasaan yang rendah cenderung untuk sama-sama kalah. (MY)

What Is It?

Retinoblastoma, a cancerous tumor of the retina in the eye, is a rare form of cancer that affects children, most commonly before age 5. The retina is the nerve tissue at the back of the eye that senses light and sends images to the brain, which interprets these images.
The disease affects about one in every 15,000 to 20,000 children. According to the American Cancer Society, retinoblastoma is responsible for 5% of childhood blindness. However, with treatment, 85% of children with retinoblastoma maintain their sight.

The most common sign of retinoblastoma is an unusual whitish appearance of the pupil (a condition known as leukocoria). This condition is seen frequently in children with retinoblastoma, but it does not always indicate retinoblastoma. Children with retinoblastoma also may have a crossed eye (strabismus) that turns out toward the ear or in toward the nose. Strabismus, however, is a common condition and more likely to be noncancerous (benign). About 10% of children with retinoblastoma develop a persistent red irritation and inflammation of the eye. Less common symptoms include differences in iris color and pupil size, tearing, cataract or bulging of the eyes.


Because retinoblastoma may be hereditary, genetic counseling and testing is an important part of disease management. The American Cancer Society reports that patients who carry the gene for the disease have about an 80% chance of developing retinoblastoma and a 50% chance of passing the gene to a child. Therefore, all siblings and children of retinoblastoma patients should be examined every two to four months during the first years of life.

The type of treatment for retinoblastoma will depend on whether the disease is in one or both eyes, the extent of the disease within the eye, whether vision can be saved, and whether the cancer has spread beyond the eye. This is a rare disease, and treatment should be sought from centers of expertise with experience treating this type of cancer.
If the tumor is large, in one eye, and vision cannot be preserved, surgery may be done to remove the whole eye (enucleation). This is a simple operation, and a child usually can be fitted with an artificial eye within about three to six weeks following surgery.


Retrograde Ejaculation
What Is It?

Ejaculation is the ejection of semen out of the urethra (passageway inside the penis) when a man has an orgasm. Under normal circumstances, ejaculation propels semen forward through a man's urethra and out the tip of his penis. This is because a tiny sphincter (circular muscle) at the entrance to the bladder shuts the opening to the bladder and prevents semen from entering. Retrograde ejaculation is when the semen travels backwards into the bladder.
In retrograde ejaculation, the muscle that shuts the bladder does not function normally. This allows all or part of the semen to travel backward (retrograde) into the bladder at the time of ejaculation. When this happens, less semen comes out the tip of the penis.
Retrograde ejaculation has several possible causes, including:

* Damage from surgery to the muscles of the bladder, or to the nerves that control these muscles — This damage can occur as a complication of the following surgical procedures:
o Prostate surgery — Men who have had a transurethral prostatectomy (removal of prostate tissue through the urethra) have a 10-15 % chance of retrograde ejaculation. A prostatectomy (surgery to remove the entire prostate gland, either for cancer or benign enlargement) has a 40% to 90% chance of retrograde ejaculation after the procedure.
o Surgery on certain parts of the bladder
o Extensive pelvic surgery, especially to treat cancer of the prostate, testicles, colon or rectum
o Staging surgery for cancer in the pelvis or lower abdomen (this surgery removes lymph nodes in the pelvis and lower abdomen to help determine how far cancer has spread)
o Certain types of surgery on the discs and vertebrae of the lower spine
* Nerve damage caused by medical illness — This is especially common in men with multiple sclerosis or with long-term, poorly controlled diabetes.
* Side effects of medication — Certain medications can interfere with the function of nerves that control the muscles involved in ejaculation. They include:
o Psychiatric medications — amitriptyline (Elavil), amoxapine (Asendin), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), thioridazine (Mellaril)
o Drugs for treating prostate enlargement — tamsulosin (Flomax) or terazosin (Cardura)
o Certain drugs to treat high blood pressure — guanethidine (Ismelin), reserpine (Serpasil)

Normally, a healthy adult male ejaculates one-half to one teaspoonful of semen during orgasm, but the amount varies widely. In men with retrograde ejaculation, the amount of semen is decreased dramatically or there is a dry climax (orgasm without semen).


There now are innovative, minimally invasive forms of prostate surgery for enlarged prostates (not cancer) that may cause less retrograde ejaculation than the standard procedures. These newer procedures, such as transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA) and transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT), are among several being evaluated by the U.S. National Institutes of Health for their success rate and side effects. Even if these procedures cause fewer cases of retrograde ejaculation, however, they may not be appropriate for all patients

Most men who have retrograde ejaculation do not need specific treatment. If the condition is a side effect of medication, your doctor may be able to switch you to a different drug that does not cause the problem. In other men, all that is needed is reassurance that retrograde ejaculation is not a serious medical problem and that it is not a sign of a serious condition such as cancer.
In some men, retrograde ejaculation requires treatment because it interferes with fertility. This treatment varies depending on the cause. If your retrograde ejaculation is a side effect of medication, your doctor probably will switch you to a drug that does not affect ejaculation. If your retrograde ejaculation appears to be related to a mild nerve or muscle problem involving the bladder, then your doctor will treat you with a drug — such as pseudoephedrine (sold under many brand names) or imipramine (Tofranil) — that improves muscle tone at the bladder entrance.
If your retrograde ejaculation is the result of severe damage to the nerves or muscles of your bladder, then it may not be possible to restore normal ejaculation. If this is the case, and you are hoping to father a child, a fertility specialist may be able to help. The fertility specialist may collect sperm from your urine and use washed sperm for an assisted-fertilization procedure. In cases of retrograde ejaculation, three of the most commonly used assisted fertilization procedures are:

* Intrauterine insemination (using a small catheter to put washed sperm inside your partner's uterus at the time of ovulation)
* In-vitro fertilization (incubating eggs and sperm together in the laboratory to produce fertilization)
* Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (injecting a single sperm into your partner's egg to cause fertilization)

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